Under this grant opportunity, the IHS proposes to award a single source grant to Native American Lifelines, Inc., which is an urban Indian organization that has an existing IHS contract, in accordance with 25 U.S.C.
§§1653(c)-(f), 1660a, in the Boston metropolitan area.
This grant announcement
seeks to ensure the highest possible health status for urban Indians.
Funding will be used to establish the urban Indian organizations successful implementation of the priorities of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2010 2015, Healthy People 2020, and the IHS Strategic Plan 2006 201 1. Additionally, funding will be utilized to meet objectives for Government Performance Rating Act (GPRA) reporting, collaborative activities with the Veterans Health Administration (VA), and four health programs that make health services more accessible to urban Indians.
The four health services programs are:
(1) Health Promotion/Disease Prevention (HP/DP) services, (2) Immunizations, (3) Behavioral Health Services consisting of Alcohol/Substance Abuse services, and (4) Mental Health Prevention and Treatment services.
These programs are integral components of the IHS improvement in patient care initiative and the strategic objectives focused on improving safety, quality, affordability, and accessibility of health care.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Full Funding Opportunity Announcement
Additional Information of Eligibility:Native American Lifelines, Inc.
is identified as the single source for this award, based on the following criteria: 1.
As required by law, the grants authorized by 25 U.S.C.
§§1653(c)-(f), 1660a may only be awarded to those urban Indian organizations that have a current contract with the IHS to provide health care to urban Indians, in the urban center identified in the contract.
Native American Lifelines is the urban Indian organization IHS currently contracts with to provide health care and referral services to urban Indians residing in the Boston area.
Native American Lifelines, Inc.
is uniquely qualified to receive this award and provide the identified program activities based on their history with the urban Indian health programs, and their knowledge of urban Indian health and the Boston target population.
The program is licensed by the state as a behavioral health provider; all of the staff operating at the facility are licensed and credential in their respective fields (specifically behavioral health); and they use evidence-based behavioral health assessment and treatment strategies with success.
The program successfully uses targeted outreach and comprehensive case management services for clients in the community.
Through this outreach and case management, the program has expanded offering to include on-site dental service and transportation.
Also, the program has been successful in entering into collaborative agreements with community health resources for the provision of quality and comprehensive health care for clients.
In support of these successful activities, the Board of Directors is active in the program and committed to bringing quality health care to the urban Indians of the Boston metropolitan area.
Full Opportunity Web Address:www.ihs.gov/dgm/documents/HHS-2013-IHS-UIHP-0002.pdfContact: Paul GettysGrant Systems CoordinatorPhone 301-443-2114
Agency Email Description: Grants Office
Agency Email: paul.gettys@ihs.gov
Date Posted: 2013-08-07
Application Due Date: 2013-09-08
Archive Date: 2013-10-08