The U. S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) is providing this competitive program expansion supplement opportunity to assist current FY 2014 Lifespan Respite Care Program—Building Long Term Sustainability in State Lifespan Respite Programs grantees to further implement the requirements
of the Lifespan Respite Care Act of 2006 (P.L.
Eligible State agencies receiving funding under this Announcement will be required to build upon the work begun through the first two years of their FY14 Lifespan Respite--Long Term Sustainability grants.
Prospective applicants should examine the range of unmet respite needs in their state and propose how they will use these funds to focus on the direct provision of respite services so as to fill identified gaps in service delivery and address unmet respite needs of family caregivers across the lifespan.
Applicants will be expected to propose consumer level outcomes and how these outcomes will be measured and tracked for the people they will serve.
This is a highly competitive opportunity.
Limited funds are available to support proposed projects and not all states that apply will be funded.
Applications will be evaluated on the degree to which applicants demonstrate the capacity to deliver Lifespan Respite Care services and address the required elements of this Program Announcement.