ACL intends to award funds to support one (1) National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) that will improve the health and quality of life of individuals living with paralysis of all ages, their families, and their caregivers by raising awareness of and facilitating access to a broad range of services
relevant to individuals with paralysis over the next three years.
The NPRC will work with ACL and ACL-funded programs to remove environmental barriers to health and community living for individuals living with paralysis, their families, and their caregivers.
The NPRC will operate a national resource and information center, make subawards to nonprofit community-based organizations that provide long-term services and supports to people living with paralysis, conduct promotional activities and outreach, increase support and resources available to people living with paralysis, their families and caregivers and provide performance measures.
All activities funded under this grant will promote greater independence, equality, choice, and control for individuals living with paralysis and to help them more fully integrate into their communities.
Under a separate 2018 funding opportunity announcement, ACL will also award up to five (5) new PRC State Pilot Program grants to organizations that will make subawards to community-based organizations across their states that provide long-term services and supports to people living with paralysis, their families, and their caregivers.
This pilot program is designed, along with the NPRC, to help assess the most effective and efficient ways to enhance the capacity of community based disability programming and increase the services and supports available for individuals living with paralysis.
ACL will work closely with the PRC State Pilot Program grantees and NPRC to avoid duplication of subawards within the pilot states.