The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) within the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) announces the availability of funding for the Wilson-Fish (WF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Coordination (WF TC) program.
This new initiative funds the development and implementation
of innovative approaches throughout a state to facilitate access by refugee families with children under the age of 18 (or "TANF-eligible refugees") to relevant, customized, and culturally and linguistically appropriate integrated services and/or resources that harness refugees' specific strengths and address the challenges they face post-resettlement.
Examples of such services and resources include, but are not limited to, employment training, English language instruction, enhanced case management, other social services, the use of community liaisons and navigators, and the development of information in languages commonly spoken within resettled refugee communities.
Projects proposed under the WF TC program will identify TANF and ORR-funded programming currently serving TANF-eligible refugees to develop and provide in-person and remote services and/or resources that will enhance or complement that programming and address unmet needs of refugees.
The WF TC program requires grantees' coordination with the subdivision of the state agency tasked with the operation of the state's TANF program (or "state TANF office") and the office of the State Refugee Coordinator (or the individual responsible for the statewide or regional coordination of the refugee resettlement program, as applicable), as well as the development or fostering of partnerships with other stakeholders.