The goal of the Centers of Excellence (COE) is to assist eligible schools in supporting programs of excellence in health professions education for underrepresented minority individuals.
The grantee is required to use the funds awarded:
(1) to establish, strengthen, or expand programs to enhance
the academic performance of the underrepresented minority students attending the school; (2) to improve the capacity of such schools to train, recruit, and retain underrepresented minority faculty including the payment of stipends and fellowships; (3) to carry out activities to improve the information resources, clinical education, curricula, and cultural competence of the graduates of the schools as it relates to minority health issues; (4) to facilitate faculty and student research on health issues, particularly affecting underrepresented minority groups; including research on issues relating to the delivery of health care; (5) to carry out a program to train students of the school in providing health services to a significant number of underrepresented minority individuals through training provided to such students at community based health facilities that provide such health services and are located at a site remote from the main site of the teaching facilities of the school; (6) to provide stipends as appropriate; and (7) to develop a large competitive applicant pool through linkages with institutions of higher education, local school districts, and other community based entities and establish an educational pipeline for health professions careers.
*This program is not included in the President's budget for 200 6. Potential applicants for funds should consider this announcement provisional until final Congressional action is taken.
Updated information will be available on the HRSA website.