The purpose of the State Rural Health Coordination and Development Cooperative Agreement (SRHCD-CA) is to enhance the rural health infrastructure in each State by providing guidance and technical assistance to State Offices of Rural Health (SORHs) as well as their partners and to identify and promote
best practices.
The goals of the SRHCD-CA are 1) to assist in the coordination of health care delivery through the development of State level rural health leadership; and 2) to facilitate partnerships and collaboration at the national and State levels to improve the exchange of information and engage in collaborative activities for supporting rural health.
By providing advancement and continuing development of leadership skills and technical abilities at the State level, the cooperative agreement assists essential State focal points in building and sustaining rural health infrastructures.
SORHs provide assistance with retention and recruitment of rural health providers; technical assistance on rural health programs; guidance on rural health systems and best practices; information on rural health care issues; and leadership in coordinating rural health care within the State to reduce duplication of efforts / services and to maximize resources through the use of networks.
Coordination at a national level offers SORHs an opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and information on rural health care and current issues.
Collaboration with Federal, national and other State partners will help to educate and assist SORHs and rural communities develop and improve rural health care systems.
The cooperative agreement will involve an ongoing partnership with significant involvement and input from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Office of Rural Health Policy (ORHP) staff in the selection of all projects and in development and implementation of the submitted work plan.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
(1) engagement of SORHs and their partners in the planning, operation, and evaluation of activities, which includes the identification of technical assistance and coordination of development needs; and the selection of mechanisms for implementation; (2) serving as the central planning body for SORH meetings, training activities, or workgroups conducted during the period of the cooperative agreement; and (3) furnishing HRSA/ORHP with final program documents, curricula, agendas, program plans, budgets, subcontracts or sub-grants, key personnel (including consultants and contractors), etc.
for approval prior to printing, dissemination or implementation.