TheTriService Nursing Research Program (TSNRP) was founded in 1992 and funds and supports rigorous scientificresearch studies and evidence-based practice (EBP) projects in the field ofmilitary nursing.
TSNRP is locatedwithin the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) whichis
authorized by 10 USC 2113(g)(1)(A) to make grants to any nonprofit entityfor the purpose of carrying out cooperative enterprises in medical research,medical consultation, and medical education.
TSNRP supports nurse scientists in all stages of their careers throughresearch funding, education, and mentoring.
Since its inception, TSNRP hasfunded over 450 research and EBP projects; 12 applications were successfullyfunded in Fiscal Year 201 8. The mission of TSNRP is to facilitate nursing research to optimize thehealth of military members and their beneficiaries, with the following the fourstrategic goals:
1. Develop and strengthen theTriService community of nurse scholars to generate new knowledge in militarynursing and translate it into practice.
2. Provide a TriServiceinfrastructure to enhance military nursing research and advance evidence-basedpractice.
3. Support research andevidence-based practice projects on areas relevant to military readiness andmilitary nursing practice.
4. Encourage TriServicecollaboration in nursing research and evidence based practice.