The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is seeking organizations based in East Africa, legally registered and with an office in Tanzania to submit applications to provide technical assistance for the “Tanzania Data Collaborative (Co-Lab) Project”, which is one among several investments under a
broader Data Collaboratives for Local Impact Umbrella Program.
This is the initial announcement for this new funding opportunity.
Tanzania Data Collaborative (or “Co-Lab”), and the focus of this request for proposal (i.e., Applicants are herein requested to submit applications only for this component out of the three (03) mentioned Program components):
Venue, technology platform and working space to share, combine and use data from multiple sectors and sources.
At national and sub-national levels, there are opportunities to connect local objectives to Tanzanian national priorities, global commitments (e.g.
Global Data Partnership), and resources.
The Co-Lab will be a center of activity and excellence to connect these resources and build the capabilities to make open data and data analysis a more prominent part of decision-making in Tanzania.
The Co-Lab is also intended to be the anchor project for the Data Collaboratives Program, interconnecting with and making resources available in support of other projects and their respective stakeholders.