Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic desires to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with a U. S. based non-profit conservation organization (Recipient) that places interns, 18-years of age and older, who are enrolled or recently graduated from in an accredited natural resource
or conservation program, in conservation management internships to assist in the completion of Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) projects at Department of Navy (DoN) and Marine Corps installations.
Interns will work closely with Navy Natural and Cultural Resource Managers gaining valuable professional knowledge, skills, and abilities related to conservation management.
The specific scope of projects will be outlined in the Performance Work Statement contained in each work order.Applicants/Recipients shall provide the following in their application:
1. Narrative - Applicants/Recipients must provide a narrative that addresses the responsibilities and evaluation factors identified in Section 3. 1 of the SOW.
NAVFAC will consider and evaluate only those applications that address each of the responsibilities identified in section 3. 1 (Responsibilities of Recipient) and the evaluation factors.
Each applicant’s narrative must label the evaluation factors in the narrative.
The narrative should demonstrate the Recipient’s capabilities to successfully meet the intended goals of the Cooperative Agreement.
Please be as specific as possible.
2. Cost Schedule – Applicants/Recipients must submit a proposed Cost Schedule using the attached template (Attachment A).
Do not deviate from the basic format of this form; however, columns and rows may be adjusted to include anticipated cost elements not included on the form.
3. Summary of Past Experience with Cooperative Agreements related to conservation projects, if any and not otherwise covered in narrative above.
Identify organization, federal agency, dates, and type of work involved.
4. Copies, or summary, of recruitment strategies, materials, and information related diversity of past interns, if any and not otherwise covered in narrative.
5. Additional Materials Requested:
1. Name, Organization affiliation, and contact information 2. Statement of credentials, qualifications, and roles/position and responsibilities of key personnel 3. Copy of Liability Coverage 4. Certificate of 501(c)(3) or other evidence demonstrating nonprofit status.
Applications shall be submitted electronically via or email to
Applications shall be submitted in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or MS Word format, except for Attachment A, which shall be submitted as an MS Excel file.
Total page limit for all documentation is 40 pages.
Completion of SF-424 Fields First.
The Adobe Reader forms are designed to fill in common required fields such as the applicant name and address, Entity Identifier number, etc., on all Adobe Reader forms.
To trigger this feature, an applicant must complete the SF-424 information first.
Once it is completed the information will transfer to the other forms.Please see Statement of Work and Attachments in Attachment folder.