The purpose of this Cooperative Agreement is to provide for Mexican Spotted Owl (MSO) surveys at Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station (Station).
In order to accomplish this objective, the Cooperator shall conduct presence/absence surveys for MSOs at the same MSO calling stations censused from 2006
to 202 3. The Cooperator shall follow the same survey methodology and calling routes as described in Johnson et al.
All surveys will be designed and conducted in accordance with the current approved USFWS MSO protocol (USFWS 2003).
The Cooperator shall document the age, sex, and activity (calling, foraging, roosting, etc.) of all MSOs or any other owl species detected during surveys.
The Cooperator shall possess a current federal endangered species permit from the USFWS authorizing the Cooperator to conduct MSO surveys.
Please see the statement of work, provided as a separate document, for a full description of the project.