Island-wide population assessments support compliance with the San Clemente Island (SCI) Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP), and also provide a benefit to the black abalone species as required under section 4(a)(3)(B) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (16 U.S.C.
SCI INRMP main objective for black abalone is to “continue to monitor and support the recovery of the black abalone population in suitable rocky intertidal habitat to increase the population at SCI,” which specifically calls for efforts to “continue to refine knowledge of, and monitor, the black abalone population and density at SCI”.
Endangered black abalone are currently present on SCI, managed under the SCI INRMP, and continued critical habitat exemption is still crucial to support the Navy’s mission on SCI.
Thus, it is imperative that the present black abalone population size and density estimates are investigated.
Details of the location, abundance, and habitat suitability for endangered black abalone on SCI will assist natural resource managers in conservation of the species, aid in recovery efforts for the species on SCI, and will support ongoing and future Navy operations to support the Mission.
Please see the statement of Objectives, provided as a separate document, for a full description of the project.