National Council on Disability Pre-Solicitation Notice of Funding Opportunity An Examination of Student Mental Health Services and Supports in Institutions of Higher Education:
Weaknesses, Strengths, Emerging Trends, and Recommendations for Reform The National Council on Disability (NCD) will seek
proposals for a report which examines mental health services in institutions of higher education.
The findings in this report primarily serve to assist policymakers, including the White House and Congress, with insight needed to make policy decisions designed to improve outcomes for students with mental health disabilities.
The report also provides students with mental health disabilities and those who support them, with an understanding of policy, legislation, and initiatives that impact their lives.
The report will examine and assess the current status of college mental health services and policies and will make recommendations for reform to address the needs of students with mental health disabilities.
The report should support that mental health services and supports in the post-secondary setting are crucial to the academic success and retention of students with mental health disabilities.
Thus, this research will examine policy and physical barriers preventing students from accessing services, gaps and weaknesses in existing services, and policies that discriminate against students with mental health disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The report will also identify promising practices and emerging trends in mental health services that may improve outcomes for students with mental health disabilities, and determine what policy changes are needed so that students with such disabilities fully benefit from mental health services in the post-secondary setting.
The estimated contract period is 12 months.
NCD will distribute its Mental Health Services on Campus Study Notice of Funding Opportunity to interested parties on December 3, 201 5. NCD expects interested parties to submit their responses by January 15, 201 6. Copies of the Notice of Funding Opportunity will be available on and and may be requested by mail or picked up at NCD on or after the issue date of December 3, 201 5. This pre-solicitation notice is issued solely for informational and planning purposes only.
It does not constitute a Notice of Funding Opportunity.
This pre-solicitation notice does not commit the Government to contract for any work or services whatsoever.
Further, the National Council on Disability is not at this time seeking proposals, and will not accept unsolicited proposals.
Respondents are advised that the United States (U.S) Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this pre-solicitation notice.
Responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the U.S Government to form a binding contract.
It is the responsibility of the interested parties to monitor and sites for additional information.
For more information, contact Ana Torres-Davis,, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 850, Washington, D.C.
20004; 202 272-2019 or 202-272-2074 TTY.