The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Johnson Space Center (JSC), Office of Education (OE), is releasing a Cooperative Agreement Notice (NNJ08237878C) for submission of proposals to support the administration and activities of Teaching From Space (TFS).
TFS is a NASA Education
office co-located with the Astronaut Office at Johnson Space Center (JSC).
As part of the FY2006 realignment of NASA Education projects from NASA Headquarters to NASA Field Centers, management of the Educator Astronaut Project (EAP) and Education Flight Projects (EFP) and their associated activities transitioned to the JSC Education Office and were integrated with TFS.
JSC is the Lead Center for the projects and other NASA Field Centers and JPL are involved in the implementation of project activities.
The JSC Education Office has a single project manager for TFS activities.
EAP/EFP and other TFS activities offer NASA Education unique capabilities and opportunities to involve educators and students through astronaut training, spaceflight missions, on-orbit education activities, future flight platforms and space missions, and a variety of education flight projects.
All TFS activities are designed to support an integrated vision and objectives.
The vision for TFS is:
Facilitate education opportunities that use the unique environment of spaceflight and other flight platforms.
TFS will focus its efforts to meet three objectives:
1. Develop and provide NASA-unique experiences, opportunities, content, and resources to educators and students to increase K-12 student interest in STEM disciplines.
2. Develop and facilitate a NEAT-like (Network of Educator Astronaut Teachers) group of highly motivated educators.
3. Build internal and external partnerships with formal and informal education communities to create unique learning opportunities and professional development experiences.
Institutions eligible to respond to this CAN are limited to higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, or consortia of organizations and institutions serving higher education.
Upon it's release date, this CAN will be available electronically through
Electronically submitted Notices of Intent to propose are requested.
Proposal due date is April 28, 200 8. The electronic submission of each proposal's Cover Page/Proposal Summary/Budget Summary is required by the due date for proposal submission.
This solicitation leading to the award of a Cooperative Agreement is issued pursuant to title 14 CFR Part 1260 for educational and nonprofit institutions and 14 CFR part 1274 for commercial organizations.
Notwithstanding the posting of this opportunity at,, or at both sites, NASA reserves the right to determine the appropriate award instrument for each proposal selected pursuant to this announcement.
Direct questions specifically regarding this solicitation to:
Edward J.
Pritchard, Project Manager, or Cynthia McArthur, Project Lead, Cynthia.