The NRA is for the development of experiment hardware with enhanced capabilities; modification of existing hardware to enable increased efficiencies (crew time, power, etc.); development of tools that allow analyses of samples and specimens on orbit; enhanced ISS infrastructure capabilities (ex.
or data processing); and specific technology demonstration projects.
Upon its release date this NRA will be available electronically through NSPIRES at by selecting NASA Research Announcement:
NNJ13ZBG001N.Participation is open to all categories of organizations, domestic, including industry, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, NASA centers, and other Government agencies except for foreign entities.Proposal due dates are listed in the NRA.
The electronic submission of each proposal's Cover Page/Proposal Summary/Budget Summary is required by the due date for proposal submission.Notwithstanding the posting of this opportunity at,, or at both sites, NASA reserves the right to determine the appropriate award instrument for each proposal selected pursuant to this announcement.Designate the appropriate technical points of contact as appropriate, such as:Direct questions specifically regarding this solicitation to:
Miyoshi J.
Thompson, Contracting Officer, 2101 NASA Parkway, Houston, TX 77058; 28 1. 24 4. 1683;