The NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office (NCBO) is directed by congressional mandate to provide technical assistance in:
(1) identifying science-based management options for restoration and protection of living resources and their habitats; (2) monitoring and assessing the status of living resources and their
habitats; and, (3) evaluating the effectiveness of management plan implementation.
For FY 2017, it is anticipated that up to approximately $500,000 could be made available for projects that address funding priorities identified in the Program Priority Section (I.B.1 - I.B.2).
NCBO encourages projects that are collaborative, interdisciplinary, and will leverage other resources.
Preference will be given to projects with clear management application and to projects targeted in specific tributaries or watersheds to improve understanding of the local ecosystem.
An informational webinar about the FY 2017 Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research Program funding announcement will be held on November 4, 2016 at 1:00 PM Eastern Time.
To register for this webinar, please visit: