The purpose of this document is to advise the public that NOAA/NOS/NCCOS is soliciting proposals for the NOAA RESTORE Science Program for projects of 12 months in duration.
This announcement invites proposals that request funding to scope and design a research project that informs a specific Gulf
of Mexico natural resource management decision.
Funding is contingent upon the availability of funds in the Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund.
It is anticipated that final recommendations for funding under this Announcement will be made in May 2021, and that projects funded under this Announcement will have a September 1, 2021 start date.
Total funding for this competition will be approximately $ 2. 5 million over 12 months and approximately 20 projects may be funded.
The minimum individual award amount is approximately $25,000 over 12 months and the maximum individual award amount is approximately $125,000 over 12 months.
Information regarding this Announcement, including webinars and additional background information, is available on the Science Program website (