The NOAA Climate Program Office’s (CPO) Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program supports research teams that conduct innovative, interdisciplinary, user-inspired, and regionally relevant research that informs resource management and public policy.
CPO funds a network
of RISA teams across the United States (US) and Pacific Islands, which are a model for interdisciplinary science and assessment.
NOAA’s RISA program is overseen by CPO’s Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) division.
CSI’s mission is to inform improvements in resilience and preparedness in diverse socio-economic regions and sectors throughout the US and abroad through the use of climate knowledge and information.
Our research advances the nation’s understanding of climate-related risks and vulnerabilities across sectors and regions, and the development of tools to foster more informed decision making.
These efforts support NOAA's vision to create and sustain enhanced resilience in ecosystems, communities, and economies.
In addition to RISA, CSI’s programs include the International Research and Applications Project (IRAP), the Sectoral Applications Research Program (SARP), and the Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications program (COCA).
CSI is also an active partner with NOAA efforts to provide integrated regional climate services.
This partnership brings together NOAA Regional Climate Services Directors (RCSDs), other NOAA offices, and close external partners such as RISA teams, Regional Climate Centers, State Climatologists, and Sea Grant to help make climate information relevant and accessible to people across the US.
NOAA seeks to marshal climate assets and partners towards the common goal of assessing regional needs and vulnerabilities and then supporting the development and delivery of timely climate services that aid adaptation and mitigation choices.
RISA and CSI activities address the societal challenges identified in NOAA’s Next-Generation Strategic Plan (NGSP):
i) climate impacts on water resources; ii) coasts and climate resilience; iii) sustainability of marine ecosystems; and iv) changes in the extremes of weather and climate.
These efforts support NOAA’s vision to create and sustain enhanced resilience in ecosystems, communities, and economies, as outlined in the NGSP.
In FY 2017, RISA is holding two competitions for research funding focused on three geographies.
We are soliciting proposals for:
1) Competition 1:
a RISA team focused on the Arizona/New Mexico region of the US; and 2) Competition 2:
a RISA team focused on either the California/Nevada region of the US or on the Midwestern region of the US.
We estimate that $3-$ 3. 5 million over five years will be available for each competition, pending available funding and budget appropriations.
Awards will be at a funding level of $600,000-$700,000 per year for up to 5 years.
Please download the RISA Information Sheet for more detailed information (