NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration & Research (OER) is soliciting pre-proposals followed by full proposals for bold, innovative, multi-partner, interdisciplinary ocean exploration projects in the following areas of interest:
1) physical, chemical and biological characterizations of unknown or poorly
known regions of the deep ocean, especially areas deeper than 500 m.
2) baseline characterization of marine archaeological resources at any depth; and 3) technology that advances ocean exploration and has application to NOAA related missions.
Through this announcement, NOAA OER anticipates the availability of approximately $3 million.
The actual funding amount is contingent upon FY 2016 Congressional appropriations.
OER estimates making 3-10 awards that will range from about $50,000 to $ 1. 5 million.
Funding for ship or submersible assets, if required, must be included in the proposal.
Leveraging with ship time supported outside of this funding opportunity is strongly encouraged.