NOAA’s Environmental Literacy Program provides grants and in-kind support for programs that educate and inspire people to use Earth systems science to improve ecosystem stewardship and increase resilience to environmental hazards.
We build capacity for institutions and networks to advance
NOAA’s mission through formal and informal education at national, regional, and local levels.
The Environmental Literacy Program supports long-term partnerships that enable the education community to incorporate and deliver NOAA's latest scientific information on the topics of the ocean, coasts, weather, and climate.
NOAA's Office of Education (OED) is requesting applications to establish an institutional award for a Cooperative Program for Atmospheric Science Education.
This institutional award will support a long-term partnership with an organization of atmospheric science professionals with the capacity to offer and support (1) sustained professional development at a national scale for K-12 educators and the faculty and staff who educate pre-service teachers and (2) scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in atmospheric and related ocean and hydrologic sciences who are recruited from or plan to matriculate at accredited 4-year colleges and universities in the United States and its territories.
These program components should address two or more of the goals and employ two or more objectives articulated in the 2015-2035 NOAA Education Strategic Plan (
Eligible applicants are nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education.
Proposed programs must be 5 years in duration and have total federal requests of $300,000 to $500,000 for each of those 5 years.
NOAA anticipates that awards funded under this announcement will be made by September 30, 2017 and will have a start date no earlier than October 1, 201 7. Note:
Templates and examples that may be helpful in preparing an application can be found at:
Visit for answers to frequently asked questions.