OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement
and the community.
The purpose of this solicitation is to invite organizations and entities to apply for continuation funding in support of specific BJA initiatives.
This solicitation is exclusively for those who received a letter from BJA to apply.
All guidelines and funding rules are the same as the original funded project.
Statutory Authority:
The JAG Program is authorized by Title I of Pub.
90-351 (generally codified at 34 U.S.C.
10101-10726), including subpart 1 of part E (codified at 34 U.S.C.
10151 - 10158); see also 28 U.S.C.