Program Announcement No.
OSBDC-2010-09 U. S. Small Business Administration / Office of Small Business Development Centers (OSBDC) OPENING DATE:
April 26, 2010 CLOSING DATE:
June 15, 2010 The Paul D.
Coverdell Drug-Free Workplace Program, so named to honor the late Senator
Paul D.
Coverdell who was the sponsor of the original Drug Free Workplace legislation was enacted to promote drug-free workplace programs in the small business community.
It allows intermediaries to provide employers with guidance regarding DFWP, while allowing each employer to design the specifics of their DFWP program.
§ 27 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C.
§ 654) permits the U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to provide funding to eligible intermediaries and SBDCs via grants, cooperative agreements, or contracts in order to financially and technically assist small businesses in establishing drug-free workplace programs.
SBA wants to ensure the success of the Paul D.
Coverdell Drug-Free Workplace Program, as contemplated by the Small Business Act (the Act).
In order to do that, grants made under that program should be viewed as an opportunity to develop a collaborative effort (community-wide, state-wide, region-wide, industry-wide, association-wide, etc.) in which a plan for a system of action aimed at reducing drug abuse in small businesses can serve as a national demonstration model.
Applicants are encouraged to design and develop innovative and creative programs and services to address the goals of the Act.
Questions about this program announcement should be directed to the Office of Small Business Development Centers at the SBA, at (202)205-676 6.