Title IX of the Violence Against Women Act of 2005 (VAWA 2005) includes a number of programs and initiatives that are specific to the unique needs of tribal governments.
Section 905 of the Act authorizes the creation of a national tribal protection order registry that would contain civil and
criminal order of protection issued by Indian tribes and participating jurisdictions.
The statute also directs the Attorney General of the United States to contract with any interested Indian tribe, tribal organization, or tribal nonprofit organization to develop and maintain the registry.
The goal of Section 905 is to provide Indian tribal governments with the ability to have timely access to accurate data related to individuals who are the subject of a criminal or civil protection order issued by tribal courts.
The registry will also provide participating tribes with the opportunity to share information about alleged domestic violence offenders with other tribal jurisdictions nationwide.
Tribes also need the ability to share information with non-tribal law enforcement agencies in order to help protect Indian women from violence.
The goal of this initiative is to develop and implement a tribal protection order registry specified in Title IX of VAWA 2005 containing civil and criminal orders of protection issued by Indian tribes and participating jurisdictions, as well as to assist tribes with accessing the national criminal information databases.