This notice of funding opportunity is to advise the State lead agencies for Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) of the availability of funds for projects to develop or update their State-wide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) or supporting elements of it, as well as for other types of
recreation planning projects that can help inform the SCORP.
The LWCF Act requires each state to develop and maintain a SCORP for overall program eligibility for LWCF grants.
The LWCF State and Local Assistance program is implemented by the National Park Service (NPS) in partnership with designated lead agencies in each of the 50 States as well as American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands.
Each fiscal year Congress allocates money from the LWCF for this program, which is in turn allocated to the States based on a legislative formula.
To be eligible for the funding, States must have a current SCORP in place that assesses demand and need for outdoor recreation resources and sets priorities for the use of LWCF funds.
Projects selected for LWCF funding should address priority needs or goals of the SCORP.
The NPS must review and approve each State’s SCORP, which is updated at least once every 5 years.
The LWCF Grant Assistance Manual establishes the eligibility, procedural, and programmatic requirements for LWCF grants.
A copy of the current volume of the LWCF Financial Assistance Manual (Volume 72, October 1, 2023) can be found at FEDERAL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MANUAL (
Chapter 2 of the Manual outlines the SCORP process and requirements.