The Cultural Resource Focused Preservation Technology and Training (PTT) cooperative agreements are administered by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), the National Park Service’s innovation center for the preservation community.
The 2025 PTT cooperative
agreements are intended for cultural resource projects which will create better tools, better materials, and better approaches to conserving buildings, landscapes, and cultural resources.
The cooperative agreements should be seen as pushing the cultural resource field of preservation forward and any application should be innovative in nature and on the cutting edge of preservation practice.
The cooperative agreement scope should showcase a new model of preservation practice and be able to be disseminated to the broadest audience and impact national, regional, and/or local preservation organizations.In accordance with 54 U.S.C.
§ 305305(b) this funding opportunity is limited to cooperative agreements with Federal, State, local, and tribal governments, Native Hawaiian organizations, educational institutions, and other public entities to carry out the Center's responsibilities.