FY2025 NAGPRA Consultation/Documentation Grants

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to make grants to museums, Indian Tribes, and Native Hawaiian organizations for the purposes of assisting in consultation, documentation, and repatriation of Native American human remains, funerary

objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony (25 U.S.C.


NAGPRA Consultation and Documentation grants assist museums, Indian Tribes, and NHOs to undertake projects leading to the repatriation of Native American human remains or cultural items.

Project activities may include, but are not limited to:· Consultation,· Training and Conferences,· Coalitions and Partnerships,· Duty of Care, or· Other projects.

Grant funds must be used for CONSULTATION and/or DOCUMENTATION projects under NAGPRA.

Consultation projects support efforts related to determinations of cultural affiliation and making or responding to requests for repatriation.

Documentation projects support determining the geographical origin, cultural affiliation, and other basic facts surrounding the acquisition of Native American human remains or cultural items.

Consultation and documentation projects should lead to determining control, treatment, and repatriation of NAGPRA human remains or cultural items.
Related Programs

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Department of the Interior

Agency: Department of the Interior

Office: National Park Service

Estimated Funding: $3,407,000

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