Program Description:
The Embassy solicits proposals to conduct an EducationUSA Opportunity Fair for Jordanian students interested in pursuing higher education in the United States (pending funding availability).
While in 2015 the overall number of Jordanians attending U. S. universities
increased by 3. 1%, the number of graduate students dropped by 3. 9%.
Therefore, this event will promote both graduate and undergraduate education opportunities and connect Jordanian students and universities to U. S. universities and their representatives.
As part of the EducationUSA Fair, U. S. university representatives will travel to various Jordanian governorates and meet with students who are interested in studying in the United States.
The representatives will also offer workshops about the college application process and other relevant issues such as writing a personal statement and soliciting recommendation letters.
This project will include the following:
• Awardee will invite 50 U. S. university representatives to Jordan and host an EducationUSA Opportunity Fair in at least 3 different governorates to highlight academic opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in the United States.
As part of this fair, Awardee will set up meeting rooms and all required logistics for the workshops and presentations.
• Awardee will setup meetings for the 50 visiting U. S. university representatives with the Ministry of Higher Education, as well as with presidents or representatives from Jordanian universities who offer scholarships for their students to pursue higher education abroad.
Federal Award Information Funding Instrument Type:
Grant Award Amount:
Estimated funding available for this project is ($100,000).
However, the Embassy will consider proposals with a higher budget that present a compelling justification for the expenditure of funds in excess of the estimated amount.
Funds for this award are pending availability.
Duration of the Award:
The timeline of the project will be jointly negotiated by the U. S. Embassy and the selected awardee C.
Eligibility Information:
Eligibility is open to organizations and individuals with appropriate expertise in higher education.
Applicants must have knowledge of both the U. S. and Jordanian higher education systems.
Preference will be given to organizations and individuals with experience implementing similar projects.
Proposals should detail a plan to implement the logistics of the project.
Application and Submission Information:
All organizations submitting application must have a valid DUNS number and be registered inn www.SAM.gov If your organization would like to submit an application, please complete the following:
- SF-424 - SF424A - SF424B - Proposal - Budget Narrative For requests and queries, please submit completed grant application forms to the Public Diplomacy Section, Noor AlNoubani, U. S. Embassy, Amman, Jordan (AmmanGrants@state.gov) and (AlNoubaniNA@state.gov).
Application Review Information Criteria and Review/ Selection Process:
Applications will be reviewed and scored based on the following:
1. Quality of the program plan:
(30 points) Activities should be responsive to the U. S. Embassy Amman notice of funding opportunity.
2. Ability to Achieve the Program Objectives:
Applications should clearly demonstrate how the applicant will meet the objectives laid out in this solicitation.
Activities should be reasonable and feasible, and the application should clearly detail how activities will be carried out.
Objectives should be clear, measurable and have a well-articulated timeline.
(30 points) 3. Project Evaluation:
Proposal should include a plan to evaluate the activity’s success, both as the activities unfold and at the end of the program.
A draft survey questionnaire or other technique and a description of the methodology to link outcomes to original project objectives are recommended.
(20 points) 4. Budget and Narrative Justification:
The budget and narrative justification are complete and reasonable in relation to the proposed activities and anticipated results.
The plan for services and related costs estimates is realistic.
(20 points) A review committee will evaluate the submitted proposals.
It will take the committee up to two months to complete its review process.
Some applicants may be contacted with questions during this review process.
Federal Award Administration Information:
Federal Award Notices:
The notice of Federal award is the authorizing document.
It shall be written, signed, awarded and administered by the Grants Officer.
The Grants Officer is the Government Official delegated the authority by the U. S. Department of State Procurement Executive to write, award, and administer grants and cooperative agreements.
Terms and Conditions:
Recipients will be held to the applicable terms and conditions found at http://www.statebuy.state.gov/fa/pages/Termsandconditions.aspx.
Administrative and National Policy Requirements:
Awards are subject to OMB Uniform Guidance:
Cost Principles, Audit, and Administrative Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR Chapter I, Chapter II, part 200, et al.) Reporting:
Reporting requirements will be specified in the Notice if Award documents.