PD Ethiopia invites SOIs for programs that strengthen cultural ties between the United States and Ethiopiathrough cultural, media, and exchange and programs that highlight shared values and promote bilateralcooperation.
All programs must include an American cultural element or connection with
U. S. experts,organizations, or institutions that will promote increased understanding of U. S. policies, values, andperspectives.PD grant programs include, but are not limited to:• Academic and professional lectures, seminars, and speaker programs• Artistic and cultural workshops, performances, and exhibitions• Programs developed by alumni of U.S.- sponsored exchange and programs• Programs that strengthen relationships between Ethiopian and U. S. universities, businesses, and/ororganizations• Media trainingThis request for SOIs is intended to inform individuals, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, andacademic institutions about opportunities from the Public Diplomacy section to support projects in at leastone of the following thematic areas:• Efforts to support Ethiopia’s economic and political reforms, including support for civil society,democracy, and governance, and/or election processes• Helping media professionals, media educators, and the public learn how to discern reliable sources ofinformation and identify misinformation and disinformation, etc.• Promoting economic growth, especially via entrepreneurship, innovation, and promoting educationabout Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)• Engaging emerging and under-represented populations, including youth, women, and persons withdisabilities through leadership, education, English language, culture, and other programs• Promoting tolerance and peace through reintegration and reincorporation of under-representedpopulations including youth, women, persons with disabilities, and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)• Promoting fair and peaceful elections• Promoting effective leadership and civic engagement• Promoting sustainable policies to protect the environment