The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) in the U. S. Department of State?s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs is pleased to announce a two-stage competitive process for fiscal year 2012 funding of projects for the clearance and safe disposal/destruction of landmines, unexploded ordnance,
and excess conventional weapons and aging and surplus munitions.
The first stage is submission and competitive panel review of two-page Statements of Interest (SOI) from organizations interested in submitting proposals to promote the development of Conventional Weapons Destruction capabilities.
In the second stage, PM/WRA will invite applicants whose SOI meet the technical requirements and are reviewed favorably to submit a full proposal that expands on their SOI.
These proposals will also be reviewed by a PM/WRA panel for consideration of funding.
This announcement initiates the first stage and PM/WRA is now requesting applicants to submit a Stateme nt of Interest, as described in this solicitation.
U.S.-based and foreign non-profit and non-governmental organizations (NGO), public international organizations (PIO), and institutions of higher education are encouraged to apply by submitting a Statement of Interest.
Pending fiscal year 2012 appropriations, the Office anticipates awarding grants within the range of $50,000 to $800,000 USD per project.