The United States Agency for International Development in Mali (USAID/Mali) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) for a new Social and Behavior Change Communications (SBCC) and Social Marketing (SM) Activity that will promote key healthy behaviors and increase demand for and use of High Impact
Health Services (HIHS) and commodities by men, women and children in Mali.
This Activity is an integral part of USAID/Malis comprehensive health sector program that assists the Government of Mali (GOM) Ministry of Health (MOH) to end preventable child and maternal deaths and improve health outcomes by strengthening three critical health sector components:
behavior change communications, health services delivery, and health systems strengthening.
While the SBCC/SM Activity will contribute to achieving the results of all three components, the SBCC/SM Activity is particularly designed to produce outcomes expected through behavior change communications and social marketing interventions.
Other USAID awards will focus more exclusively on high impact health services outcomes at the community level and on health systems strengthening (HSS) nation-wide.
All USAID awardees are expected to work very closely with each other and coordinate their respective activities and implementation plans.