This purpose of the NCMHD DREAM Career Transition Award (K22) is to facilitate the transition of early stage investigators working in health disparities or areas that address health disparity conditions and populations from the mentored stage of career development to the independent stage
of investigator-initiated health disparities research.
The program will provide an opportunity for investigators to develop solid research skills during the initial period of up to two years of study and research within the environment of the NIH Intramural Research Programs located at the NIH.
The award may also include a follow-on period of up to three years of salary and mentored research support at the candidates current institution or organization or an academic or research grantee institution of the candidate's choice.
This period of extramural support will facilitate the transition to independence as a researcher in health disparities research.
Mechanism of Support:
This FOA will utilize the NIH Career Transition Award (K22) mechanism.
The intramural phase is under the NIH Intramural Research Program.
Awardees approved to proceed with the second phase of support will receive notification of approval in writing from the NCMHD.
An application from the extramural institution on behalf of the candidate will be required for the NCMHD to process the second phase of the K2 2. Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards:
The total amount to be awarded by the NCMHD and the number of awards will depend upon the quality and merit of applications received.
However, the total amount of funding NCMHD anticipates to award through this FOA is approximately $1,000,000 with 5 awards up to $200,000 per individual.