This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to support paired consortium exploratory awards led by one Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC) institution and one U. S. institution to plan research, research training, and curriculum development activities that address and inform priority national
and regional environmental and occupational health policy issues.
The ultimate goal of the FOA is to foster the planning for multidisciplinary Global Environmental and Occupational Health Hubs (GEOHealth Hubs), based in LMICs, that will lead collaborative research and training for focal environmental and occupational health issues in several core science areas, including fields such as epidemiology, biostatistics, genetics, environmental science, industrial hygiene, systems science, toxicology, behavioral science, and implementation science.
Focal environmental and occupational health areas, as well as core science areas, for each consortium will be selected by the applicants, building upon preexisting strengths within the proposed consortium and addressing priority public health needs in the region.