The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Mission in Sri Lanka is seeking information from qualified U. S. and non-U. S. non-profit or for-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and media professionals on USAID’s proposed media support program.
USAID intends to
support a four year, $6M, activity to enhance the professionalism of the media sector and expand access to information in Sri Lanka.
USAID requests for media sector professionals, institutions, and other interested parties to provide information and recommendations for a more effective project design.
This request for information would like interested parties to consider the following when providing their responses:• Are the problems identified accurate to Sri Lanka’s current sociopolitical context?• In addition to what has already been identified, what other specific issues should this project focus on? • Who should be key stakeholders of this project?• What results can be achieved? • How would the project affect media sector development and reform?• Suggestions to improve proposed goals and objectives • Suggestions for technical interventions to improve media sectorResponses regarding this Request for Information (RFI) are to be submitted in writing to:
Mr. Harsha Kaluarachchi, Acquisition and Assistance Specialist at
Any additional questions can be sent to the attention of Mr. Robert Parnell, Contracting Officer at, by October 28, 2016 1700pm (US Eastern Time).
Issuance of this RFI does not constitute any future commitment to the informants on the part of the US Government nor does it commit USAID to pay any costs incurred in gathering and submitting information.