Funding Opportunity Description USDOL/ILAB will award up to $ 7. 7 million for a cooperative agreement(s) to fund a project(s) to implement technical assistance activities that support the reduction of the worst forms of child labor (WFCL) by building local and national capacity in a minimum
of ten (10) countries over the life of the cooperative agreement.
The Grantee will work cooperatively with host governments at the local or national level to implement actions that support:
(1) development, improvement and/or adoption of national legislation addressing child labor issues, including by bringing them into compliance with international standards, (2) improved monitoring, implementation of policies, and enforcement of laws related to the WFCL, including through training of labor inspectors and support for community-based child labor monitoring systems (CLMS), (3) development (or improvement) and adoption of national plans of action on child labor, including the WFCL, and (4) enhanced implementation of national and local policies and programs aimed at reduction and prevention of the WFCL, and improved policies and social programs to increase access to basic education, vocational training, social protection services, employment creation and poverty reduction initiatives, for populations particularly vulnerable to the WFCL.
For the first year, the Grantee will work in in the following five (5) countries:
Bangladesh, Paraguay, Philippines, Suriname, and Uganda.
The organization(s) awarded this cooperative agreement will be required to engage in an ongoing dialogue with USDOL on the additional countries to receive project support in subsequent years of the cooperative agreement.
Final determination of countries to receive support under this award will be subject to approval by USDOL.
USDOL reserves the right, after award, to request that the Grantee modify proposed activities in the target countries to maximize the impact of project resources.
Any and all requested adjustments would be within the scope of the Cooperative Agreement.
USDOL/ILAB intends to award cooperative agreement(s) to one or more qualifying organizations.
Cooperative agreements awarded under this solicitation will be administered by OPS and technically managed by ILABs Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT).
Where collaboration would enhance the capacity of the project to achieve improved outputs, Applicants are encouraged to partner with other organizations in the implementation of the project, including through subawards.
ILABs mission is to use all available channels to improve working conditions, raise living standards, protect workers ability to exercise their rights, and address the workplace exploitation of children and other vulnerable populations internationally.
OCFT conducts and funds research, develops strategic partnerships, and funds an international technical cooperation program to eliminate the WFCL, forced labor, and human trafficking internationally.
Projects funded by USDOL support this mission.
USDOL/ILAB is authorized to award and administer cooperative agreements by the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013, P.L.
113-6 (2013) and the Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2012, P.L.
112-74 (2011).