(a) Safe from the Start is a U. S. government initiative, launched in 2013, to reduce risk of GBV and ensure quality services for survivors through timely and effective humanitarian action.
The initiative seeks to transform the international system for humanitarian response so that the needs of
women, girls, and others affected by GBV are a priority in emergencies.
As such, Safe from the Start, as the U. S. government's commitment to the Call to Action, aims to fill gaps in the Call to Action Roadmap and benefit the humanitarian system so there is enhanced accountability alongside quality GBV programming and GBV risk mitigation activities across all humanitarian efforts.
(For more information about Safe from the Start, see:
https://www.state.gov/j/prm/policyissues/issues/c6237 7. htm) (b) This announcement is for submissions that advance institutional policies and standards to strengthen internal and system-wide commitments to gender equality in conflict-affected humanitarian settings, with a particular focus on accountability mechanisms that strengthen response to GBV, in line with Outcome 1 and 2 of the Call to Action Roadmap.
In addition, PRM prioritizes submissions that promote inter-agency and inter-sectoral leadership and improve coordination at global and field levels.
(c) This funding opportunity is only for proposals for globally-relevant projects that involve multiple locations and, when appropriate, multiple partners.
PRM does not welcome submissions to this NOFO that are focused on field-level implementation or general programming for affected populations.
Country-specific or country program-specific activities/interventions that are considered to be basic and standard GBV prevention and response programming will not be considered for this opportunity.
(Please see PRM regional NOFOs and a separate PRM NOFO focusing on outcome 3 and 5 of the Call to Action Roadmap, highlighting innovation related to field-level integration and implementation.) (d) Proposals for this funding opportunity must be in line with the following themes:
(1) Accountability and Institutionalization:
Key actions would focus on developing or implementing institutional policies, standards, and practices that improve accountability for GBV and/or strengthen human resource approaches to reinforce and reflect global standards and practices.
and/or (2) Quality Control and Management:
Key actions include developing both general and specialized knowledge and capacity among management, staff, and local partners as well as integrating GBV within standards, tools, guidance, processes and priorities.
This includes activities which promote a specific focus on women and girls as a pathway to gender equality throughout operational and programmatic responses.
and/or (3) Leadership and Coordination:
Key actions would focus on strengthening GBV coordination at the global level, including leadership and effectiveness of the GBV Area of Responsibility, as well as inter-agency and inter-sectoral coordination and performance at the field level.
This may include rapid response or deployments that seek to quickly and systematically institute emergency response and coordination mechanisms.
(e) Applicants should refer to the IASC’s Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions for Humanitarian Settings, as applicable.
(f) Because of PRM’s mandate to provide protection, assistance, and sustainable solutions for refugees and victims of conflict, PRM will consider funding only those projects that include a target beneficiary base of at least 50 percent refugees, returnees, and/or other persons of concern.