The Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations (CSO) is charged with leading the formulation and implementation of U. S. conflict prevention and stabilization strategies, policies, and programs.
It provides the secretariat for the U. S. government’s multi-agency Atrocity Prevention
Task Force and is the State Department’s lead implementer of the U. S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability.
At the end of 2021, CSO also stood up the Negotiations Support Unit to assist U. S. diplomats and other officials to resolve some of the thorniest and most intractable disputes.
CSO’s efforts to reduce fragility, strengthen democratic institutions, and increase social cohesion with and within priority partner countries directly advance U. S. foreign policy objectives.
CSO announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for programs addressing the local governance challenges in Sinjar, Iraq and the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement.
Pending availability of funds and satisfactory performance, including compliance with the award’s terms and conditions CSO may consider adding funds to the award.
CSO intends to support one (1) award as a result of this NOFO.
Department of State reserves the right to fund any or none of the proposals submitted and reserves the right to reduce, revise, or increase the budget in accordance with the needs of the project and the availability of funds.
This notice is subject to the availability of funding.
The Federal award signed by the State Department Grants Officer is the only authorizing document.