As part of the process of designing and soliciting a new activity entitled Strengthening Governing Institutions, Systems, and Processes Project (SGISP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina is sharing a draft of the Program Description with all interested parties for
the purpose of soliciting comments on its clarity and feasibility.
This notice is solely intended to solicit comments on this impending activity and is NOT a Request for Application.
Ideas contained herein may change during the Missions ongoing program design, consultations and final approval processes.
Interested parties shall submit all comments in regards to this draft Program Description in writing to and by October 25, 2012 4:00PM Bosnia and Herzegovina local time.
Comments sent to any other e-mail addresses will not be considered.
The e-mail transmitting the comments shall reference the grants notice number and title on the subject line of the e-mail.
Please note that responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the U. S. Government to form a legally binding agreement.