Funds may be used to:Evaluate current landfill conditions to determine threats to water resources; provide technical assistance and/or training to enhance operator skills in the operation and maintenance of active landfills; provide technical assistance and/or training to help communities reduce the
solid waste stream; provide technical assistance and/or training for operators of landfills which are closed or will be closed in the near future with the development and implementation of closure plans, future land use plans, safety and maintenance planning, and closure scheduling within permit requirements.
Grant funds may not be used to:
recruit applications for the Agency’s water and waste loan and/or any loan and/or grant program; duplicate current services, or replace or substitute support normally provided by other means, such as those performed by an association’s consultant in developing a project, including feasibility,design, and cost estimates; fund political or lobbying activities; pay for capital assets; purchase real estate or vehicles, improve or renovate office space, or repair and maintain privately owned property; pay the costs for construction, improvement, rehabilitation, modification or operation and maintenance of water, wastewater, and solid waste disposal facilities and pay costs incurred prior to effective date of grants made under 7 CFR 177 5.