The USAFA is seeking unclassified research white papers and proposals (if requested) that do not contain proprietary information.
If proprietary information is submitted it is the offerors responsibility to mark the relevant portions of their proposal as specified in USAFA-PASCC-BAA-2016 Amendment
000 3. The United States Air Force’s Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), in partnership with PASCC, invites white papers and proposals (if requested) for studies in many broad areas related to countering the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
USAF INSS announces to academia, research institutions, and non-profit organizations it is soliciting white papers that propose rigorous, innovative projects that:
1. Facilitate critical engagement between U. S. and foreign subject matter experts (SMEs) on key WMD, CWMD, or nuclear deterrence issues; 2. Address current and emerging challenges facing CCMDs and DoD; or 3. Expand knowledge or develop new concepts relevant to the national security missions and requirements of DoD and the Armed Services.
Relevant Nonprofit Program Categories
Obtain Full Opportunity Text:Click on the following link to see the full text of the announcement for this funding opportunity.
Additional Information of Eligibility:All responsible, potential applicants from academia and industry are eligible to submit proposals under this BAA.
USAFAparticularly encourages proposals from small businesses, historically black colleges and universities, minority institutionsand minority researchers.
However, no portion of this BAA is set aside for a specific group.
Proposals from FederalAgencies, including subcontracting/sub-recipient efforts will not be evaluated under this BAA.
Federally Funded Research &Development Centers (FFRDCs), including Department of Energy National Laboratories, are not eligible to receive awardsunder this BAA.
U. S. Government schools of higher education, military laboratories and warfare centers, as well as otherDoD and civilian agency laboratories are also not eligible to receive awards under this BAA and should not directly submiteither white papers or full proposals in response to this BAA.
University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) are eligible tosubmit proposals under this BAA unless precluded from doing so by their DoD UARC contract.
Full Opportunity Web Address: Agency Email Description: USAFA-PASCC-BAA Inbox
Agency Email: Date Posted: 2018-12-18
Application Due Date: Archive Date: 2019-02-22