The purpose of the Morocco Out-of-school Youth Education Project is to improve the human capital of Morocco, especially of disadvantaged youth, by providing disadvantaged youth with critical skills needed to become active, positive and engaged members of Moroccan societyboth economically and socially.
The goal of the project is to enhance the capacity of Moroccan governmental and non-governmental institutions to provide quality educational services for out-of-school youth, to develop policies to facilitate coordination of such service delivery, and to build institutional networks to strengthen the youth development field in selected regions of the country.The project has four objectives which correspond to the four program components.
The level of effort of Component 1 (institutional capacity-building) and Component 2 (expansion and improvement of youth educational services) will together constitute approximately 85-90% of the program.
Component 3 (youth involvement in drop-out prevention and recovery) is an experimental program which could be scaled up if successful.
Component 4 (policy groundwork in youth-oriented lifelong learning options) is a small portion of the over-all budget, but could have potentially significant policy implications.