The purpose of the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) is to conserve, protect and enhance the nation’s wetland ecosystems.
The purpose of the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program is to establish an agricultural conservation easement program for the conservation of eligible
land and natural resources through easements or other interests in the land.
The purpose of the Emergency Watershed Protection – Floodplain Easement Program (EWPP-FPE) is to provide for restoration, protection, maintenance and enhancement of the functions of the floodplain, conserve natural values include fish and wildlife habitat, water quality, flood water retention, ground water recharge and safeguard lives and property from floods, drought and the products of erosion.
The program promote the restoration, enhancement, protection, maintenance and management of wetland systems and adjacent land that would contribute significantly to wetland functions and values.
Through WRP, ACEP, and EWPP-FPE, landowners may receive financial and technical assistance to install or implement structural or vegetative wetland and associated upland restoration practices on eligible land.
WRP/ACEP/EWPP-FPE provides that the Secretary may request the services of, and enter into cooperative agreements with, non-Federal entities to assist in providing technical assistance necessary to develop and implement conservation program under these program.
The agency is directing resources toward the restoration of degraded wetlands across the state of Mississippi; with emphasis in the historic bottom-land hardwood regions.
NRCS is requesting applications from qualified individuals and organizations that share a common interest in the conservation and restoration of wetland resources throughout Mississippi.