NRCS requests applications for Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) to support and stimulate new and on-going conservation activities and wise development of natural resources in support of the Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) program in Washington State.
Applications are accepted from RC&D entities located within Washington State only.
NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2010 will be approximately $34,00 0. 0 0. Funds will be awarded through a statewide competitive grants process.
Projects must contribute to Action Items in RC&D Council Area Plans and Annual Plans of Work and result in reportable deliverables during Fiscal Year 2010-201 1. Applications are requested from eligible RC&D Councils located within Washington State only for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects of one (1) year in duration.
This notice identifies the objectives for RC&D projects, the eligibility criteria for projects, and provides the associated instructions needed to apply under this announcement.