Notice of Intent: Implementation and Development of US West Coast ShakeAlert 2017-2019: Collaborative Research with Univ. of California at Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, Univ. of Washington, and Univ. of Oregon

Notice of Intent to award four collaborative cooperative agreements in support of the collaborative project entitled "Implementation and Development of US West Coast ShakeAlert 2017-2019:
Collaborative Research with Univ.

of California at Berkeley, California Institute of Technology, Univ.



Washington, and Univ.

of Oregon".

Awardees will be the University of Oregon, the University of Washington, the University of California, Berkeley, and the California Institute of Technology.

The main objective of this collaborative project is to continue to test and develop the ability of seismic and geodetic networks in high-risk areas of the U. S. to provide warnings of earthquakes when strong shaking has begun, so that property damage, injury, and loss of life can be reduced in affected areas.

This phase will support incorporation of real-time Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations into ShakeAlert and transitioning ShakeAlert into a Production Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system for the West Coast.

Related Programs

Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

Department of the Interior

Agency: Geological Survey


Estimated Funding: $6,000,000

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2014 Multistate Conservation Grant Program

Additional Information of Eligibility:
The Secretary of Interior may award grants only to: a State or group of States; the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Serice (only for the purpose of carrying out the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildife Associated Recreation); and nongovernmental organizations, including educational institutions.

Grants are awarded only for projects identified on a priority list prepared by the Association and submitted to the Service by October 1 of each year.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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