The Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC) (formerly the U. S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL)) provides forensic laboratory services to DoD military criminal investigative organizations (Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the Army Criminal
Investigation Command) and other DoD customers.
It is a full service forensic laboratory, providing state-of-the-art forensic examinations in the following disciplines:
-DNA/Serology -Digital Evidence -Drug Chemistry -Firearms and Toolmarks -Forensic Documents -Latent Prints (including footwear and tire track evidence) -Trace Evidence The DFSC has three primary objectives:
(1) Analyze forensic evidence and provide expert testimony to support worldwide criminal investigation across all military services (2) Provide expeditionary and reach-back forensic services to U. S. military forces in active theaters of operation (3) Coordinate and execute research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) projects to advance forensic capabilities.
The Department of Defense Forensic Research and Development Program (“Program”) is administered by the U. S. Army Research Office and the Defense Forensic Science Center.
The Program aims to enhance the capability of forensic science applications in traditional law enforcement/criminal justice purviews and in expeditionary environments.
The Program accomplishes this mission by funding research projects that lead to the production of useful knowledge, materials, devices, systems, or methods that have forensic function.
To be eligible for an award under this announcement, a prospective awardee must meet certain minimum standards pertaining to financial resources and responsibility, ability to comply with the performance schedule, past performance, integrity, experience, technical capabilities, operational controls, and facilities.
In accordance with Federal statutes, regulations, and Department of Defense and Army policies, no person on grounds of race, color, age, sex, national origin, or disability shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving financial assistance from the Army.
The Program is seeking proposals for funding to support forensic research and its application.
The requested proposals should focus on adding to general forensic knowledge and/or DFSC activities and needs.
Forensic research proposals should focus on the creation of new and improved field or laboratory functional capabilities that result in faster, more robust, more informative, less costly, or less labor-intensive recognition, preservation, collection, and/or analysis of forensic evidence.
Proposals involving the development of equipment that is portable, sustainable, and useful in an expeditionary or field environment are also solicited.
The expeditionary and field environments require systems that are lightweight, portable, inexpensive, fast, and capable of operating in extreme environments of temperature, dust, humidity, etc.
The systems must also be capable of secure data communications.
Funding of research and development (R&D) within Program areas of interest will be determined by funding constraints and priorities set during each budget cycle.
Due to Government budget uncertainties, no specific dollars have been reserved for awards under this BAA.
Those contemplating submission of a proposal are encouraged to submit a white paper and quad chart, summarizing their proposed work.
If the proposed R&D warrants further inquiry and funding is available, submission of a full technical and cost proposal will be encouraged.
This sequence allows earliest determination of the potential for funding and minimizes the labor and cost associated with submission of full proposals that have minimal probability of being selected for funding.
Costs associated with white paper, quad chart, or full proposal submissions in response to this BAA are not considered allowable direct charges to any resulting award.
These costs may be allowable expenses to normal bid and proposal indirect costs specified in FAR 3 1. 205-18 for contracts.
Offerors submitting proposals are cautioned that only a Government Contracting or Grants Officer may obligate the Government to any agreement involving expenditure of Government funds.