Project Title:
Bat Surveys for Fort Carson and Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site in ColoradoA cooperative agreement is being offered ONLY to members of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Program Region(s) of Colorado Plateau & Desert Southwest .
Award will be made upon mutual agreement
and acceptance of the terms and conditions contained inthe request for proposal and the of the recipient’s CESU Master Agreement.
Note the established CESU Program indirect rate is 1 7. 5%.Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential organizations for this project.
Approximately $192,000 is expected to be available to support this project for the base period.
Additional funding may be available to thesuccessful recipient for optional tasks and/or follow on work in subsequent years.
This project will be awarded under the authority of 16 USC 670c-1, Sikes Act.
For projects for the implementation and enforcement of integrated natural resources management plans, priority shall be given to award to Federal and Stateagencies having responsibility for the conservation or management of fish or wildlife.
Period of Performance.
The Base and Follow-On Periods will each be 18 months from the date of award.
Follow-on Periods are subject to availability of funding.
Description of Anticipated Work:
See attached Statement of Objectives NOTE:
At this time we are only requesting that you demonstrate available qualifications and capabaility for performing similar or same type of work by submitting a Statement of Interest.
A full proposal and budget are NOT requested at this time.
Submission of Your Statement of Interest 1. Statements of Interest are due by 2:00 P.M., Central Time, on 03 FEB 202 5. 2. Submit your Statement of Interest via e-mail attachments or direct questions to:Sandy Justman, Grants SpecialistUSACE, Fort Worth DistrictEmail:
817-886-1073andBrian Hesford, Project ManagerUSACE, Fort Worth DistrictEmail:
402-200-8268Review of Statements Received:
All statements of interest received from a member of the CESU Region(s) identified above will be evaluated by a board comprised of one or more people at the receiving installation or activity, who will determine whichstatement(s) best meet the program objectives:
offer the most highly qualified Principal Investigator, have the most relevant experience and the highest capability to successfully meet the program objectives.
Submitters whose statements aredetermined to best meet the program objectives will be invited to submit a full proposal.Please see full RSOI Package on the Documents Tab