Small Business Grants from the U.S. Mission to Afghanistan

Department of Health and Human Services
 $62,853,680,968 Department of Transportation
 $56,443,571,981 Environmental Protection Agency
 $35,751,587,496 Department of Energy
 $24,661,368,000 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
 $14,032,768,821 Department of Homeland Security
 $13,986,266,741 Department of Labor
 $10,348,285,755 Department of Defense
 $10,111,366,675 Department of the Interior
 $9,806,569,960 Department of Agriculture
 $8,296,397,040 Agency for International Development
 $7,754,781,106 Department of Commerce
 $6,871,103,950 Department of Housing and Urban Development
 $6,642,477,476 Department of State
 $6,042,701,916 Department of Justice
 $5,571,395,802 Department of Education
 $2,642,831,221 Department of the Treasury
 $1,019,380,000 Other Agencies

CDROLLE Access to Justice Small Grants Program
The Coordinating Director for Rule of Law and Law Enforcement (CDROLLE) at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul is pleased to announce that CDROLLE is currently accepting applications for the CDROLLE Access to...more
Posted On - 2013-01-05

Featured Government Grant Resources

Business Loans From GovLoans

The government has launched innumerable programs that are all geared towards the achievement of this goal. Some of these programs involve the provision of technical assistance, training sessions, and strategies that would potentially help business owners in marketing their products and in expanding their businesses.

Disaster Relief Loans from GovLoans

GovLoans is a website created by the United States Federal Government that is designed to serve as the public's gateway to loan program information. One of the several kinds of loans that are featured in the GovLoans website are Disaster Relief loans.

Gabz Gardner, known for being a contestant on Britain’s Got Talent and Stevenage resident, opens the Greenside Studio to give opportunities to Greenside School students to sell sweets, while learning essential work skills.

More Federal Domestic Assistance Programs

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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