The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is pleased to launch this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Annual Program Statement (APS) for opportunities to support MCC in achieving our mission of poverty reduction through growth.
Specifically, this NOFO is reaching out to organizations with
demonstrated interest, relevant experience, creativity and know-how to participate in Partnerships with MCC to achieve specific outcomes and optimize impact of our investments.
MCC defines “Partnership” as a collaborative relationship between two or more entities -- governmental or nongovernmental -- in which the partners work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and to share risks, responsibilities, resources, competencies, and benefits.
The partners mutually determine the goals, structure, governance, roles, and responsibilities of their collaboration.
This APS is aimed at fostering extensive collaboration and partnerships with external organizations, including but not limited to businesses, foundations, academic institutions, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations, to achieve a greater development impact.
Through the APS, MCC aims to foster proactive collaboration and engagement among MCC and the partner(s) around specific areas for collaboration, co-financing, catalytic investment, and innovation that advance MCC’s mission.
By partnering with other entities in the public, private, and civil sectors, MCC and its country counterparts can increase the scale, impact, and sustainability of MCC compact and threshold program investments.