DHAPP's goal is to maximize program impact by focusing on the drivers of the epidemic specific to the military, and to support the development of interventions and programs that address these issues.
DHAPP works with militaries of foreign countries to devise plans based on the following
process: Meet with key partners in country to determine provisional major program areas and other technical assistance needs.
Adapt DHAPP support to a countrys need for prevention, care and/or treatment of their HIV/AIDS situation based on an assessment of the countrys epidemic, and more specifically, in that countrys military.
Strengthen the military capacity for ownership and behavioral changes over the long term.
Consider program design by leveraging assets with other country partners who have/had successful prevention, care, and/or treatment efforts.
Focus on prevention, care and/or treatment impact aligned with national implementation plans.
Implement and monitor programs to ensure accountability and sustainability.
Countries and their militaries need strong programs with courses of action that demonstrate:
Visible support from the military sector.
Development of plans of action and policies.
Alignment with Combatant Command (COCOM) blueprint, as well as national strategies and priorities. Increasing awareness within the military sector.
Country military ownership of its activities.
Prevention plans focusing on prevention of sexual transmission through voluntary counseling and testing, sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and management, behavioral interventions, reduction of concurrent partnerships, prevention and care of opportunistic infections, male circumcision, changing male normative behaviors, and prevention campaigns.
Reduction of mother-to-child transmission, (The primary focus of these interventions is on behavior change to reduce the risks of sexual transmission, counseling, testing, diagnosis and proper linkages to care and support). Stigma reduction associated with HIV infection.
Surveillance and infrastructure development through programs focusing on HIV/STI/tuberculosis surveillance, prevalence surveys, laboratory support, monitoring and evaluation, training and strategic information management. Increasing capacity building. Promoting sustainability by the partner country.