The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Headquarters, Office of Pollution Prevention andToxics is soliciting proposals from eligible entities in support of the Community Action for aRenewed Environment (CARE) Annual Training Workshop.
The CARE Annual TrainingWorkshop is held each year to support
CAREs community-based, community-driven, partnershipprogram designed to help communities understand and reduce risks due to toxics andenvironmental pollutants from all sources.
The objective of the training workshop is to educate theCARE program in working collaboratively within the community to increase understanding of newapproaches, to facilitate use of proven concepts, and to encourage more innovation inenvironmental programs.
EPA anticipates awarding one cooperative agreement under thissolicitation to support the annual training workshop.
The amount of the award will be $150,000 for a period of two years.
The grant will be incrementally funded in the first year for approximately $75,00 0.