The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announces the availability of Commercial Motor Vehicle Operator Safety Training (CMVOST) grant funding as authorized by Section 4134 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act:
A Legacy of Users (SAFETEA-LU).
authorization directed FMCSA to establish the CMVOST grant to support quality training for CMV operators.
These grant funds are intended for community colleges and truck driver training schools.
Because driver behavior was identified as the most prominent cause of truck crashes, these funds will continue to help the Agency achieve its goal of reducing large truck and bus related fatalities by supporting CMV operator training.
The CMVOST grant program has two specific goals:
1. Expand the number of Commercial Driver's License holders possessing enhanced operator safety training in order to reduce the severity and number of crashes on U. S. highways involving commercial motor vehicles; and, 2. Assist economically distressed regions of the U. S. by providing workforce training opportunities for qualified individuals to become commercial motor vehicle operators.
The Agency will inform applicants if new authorizing legislation changes its grant programs for FY 201 2.