Fair Housing Initiative Program - EOI

This Initiative assists organizations that inform the general public about their rights and obligations under the Fair Housing Act.

Under this Initiative, there are two programs with a total of five components.

They are the EOI -Regional/Local/Community-Based Program (R/L/C-B) which includes


the General Component, Lending Component, Higher Education Component; and the EOI - National-Based Program which includes the National-Media Campaign Component and the National Training Component.

(See chart in section III.


for all eligibility requirements).

All EOI applicants are required to describe a referral process that will result in referral of fair housing complaints to HUD or Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) substantially equivalent agencies.

If funded, the grantee will be required to develop and implement the complaint referral process referenced in the application.
Related Programs

Educaction and Outreach Initiatives

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office: None

Estimated Funding: $6,670,850

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